Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Harry Blogger

It's Harry Freaking Potter!
He's a superstar world wide!  Everyone has heard of him and his amazing magical adventures!
Now with all 7 books out (9 if you include: The Tales of Beadle the Bard, Qudditch throughout the ages, and Mythical Beasts and Where to Find Them) plus all 8 movies out on DVD, we thought you would enjoy this.  

A blog about what we think, feel, and summaries of the Harry Potter Series 
by people who loved watching the movies, 
who've read the books, 
and some people who've not done any of those things.
Yes, my dear friends, it's time for Harry Blogger!

Read the books: Yeah
Watched the movies: No I didn't watch all of them I think I stopped at the phoenix one.

Bo: Please summarize the Harry Potter Series
Lishes: Okay, so it's all about this kid Harry.
He’s a mudblood muggle part human part something-er-other kid.
He thinks he is a normal kid,
but then WHAM!
He gets hit with a letter and finds out he's not normal at all!
My favorite part is when Hagrid comes in and says, "You’re a Wizard Harry."

Hagrid takes Harry to Hogwarts where he learns how to become a wizard.
Harry’s going through the motions and he’s a pretty terrible wizard.
Harry's good at playing Quidditch; which is kind of like lacrosse but with a gold ball.
He’s a seeker, so he does that- seek things.
He makes friends.
He likes some girl in Raven Claw and he’s fights bad guys.
Oh, and a basilisk.  He fights a basilisk.

It ends with him having a showdown where a bunch of people die, but he wins.
I think one of the Weasley kids dies, but Harry lives.
The owl dies too!
I think his name his name is Hadwig?  Yeah, Hadwig the owl.
But, why did they have to kill his owl?
I mean what could he really do to anyone- hoot at them?

Bo: Can you name a magic spell used in the series?
Lishes: Avada Cadabra- it's the one the kills people.  Plus. there's Infect-o Patronus- it summons their spirit animal and it eats dementors.

Bo:  Can you name any of the books?
Lishes: Sorcerer and the Stone, Goblet of Fire, Prisoner of Azkaban, Deathly Hallows
Bo: What are the 3 Deathly Hallows?
Lishes: The Sword of Griffendor, a compass, and the sorting hat.
Rating out of 10 (1 low and 10 high): I give it a 7 because I didn't see all the movies, but the ones I saw were all well done.

Read the books: No
Watched ALL the movies: Yeah because you kids all liked them.

Bo: Please summarize the Harry Potter Series
Mom: Harry's just an orphan kid that lives with a relative and he has magic powers.
They go to Griffendor School and he meets other witches.  Then they team up and try to beat the heck out of the mean ones.

Then they win The Magic and they beat the mean ones.
Bo: Can you name a magic spell used in the series?
Mom: Magic!
Bo: What does that spell do?
Mom: It does magic.
Bo: Magic?
Mom: Magically.

Bo: Who is Voldemort?
Mom: Voldemort is a teacher who dies in the movie.  This is an important part and it makes a lot of people really sad.  I'm pretty sure you cried at that part.
Bo: No I didn't!
Chicken: Give it up Bo, you know you cried when VOLDEMORT died. (Smothered Giggles)
Bo: Who are Hermione and Ron?
Mom: Hermione is the girl witch.  Ron is a boy witch.
Bo: What are the 3 Deathly Hallows?
Mom: A broom, a ring, and I have no idea what a triangle would be.
           Oh, wait, is it a dust pan?
Bo:  Can you name any of the books?
Mom: Yeah, there's Harry Potter and then there's Brick and Brimstone.  Those are the only two I know.

Rating out of 10 (1 low and 10 high): I'd give it a 2.

Read the books: Read the first 3 books and then I got bored.
Watched ALL the movies: You'd better believe it!

Bo: Please summarize the Harry Potter Series.
Ashes: A little boy living under the stairs has a scar on his head.  He is pretty much Loser City until Hagrid comes and says, "You're a wizard Harry!" 

Harry is all like, "Yeah, I totally know, cause I can talk to snakes.  But seriously I'm living under some stairs, so do something about that.  Like now."

Then Harry gets whisked away on some magical train ride to the even more magical school of Hogwards Wizardry and Witchcraft school.

Harry only gets through school by riding on the coattails of his parents fame and his wicked cool head scar.

Seriously though, his parents were like uber famous and were the best of everything; makes you think that Harry could have been adopted.

Professor Snape reminds me of a hippie and Chicken does an awesome impression of him.

Harry's a pretty terrible wizard.  A really terrible wizard.  He lets his friends fight most of his battles and think for him.  At the end, Harry dies and then he comes back to life to kill Voldemort.  He he marries the ginger girl.

The end goes pretty much like this...
Harry sacrifices himself.
Hagrid cries.
And Hermione and Ron get together.

Bo: Can you name a magic spell used in the series?
Ashes: Luminous.
Bo: What does it do?
Ashes: Makes things full all shiny and. . . Shine bright like a diamond!

Bo: Can you name the 3 Deathly Hallows?
Ashes: A wand, the time-y thing that Hermione had, it's the fang of the snake
Bo: Can you name the 4 houses?
Ashes: Slitherin, Hufflepuff, Griffendor,
Bo: Need a hint?  Cuh-Caw!  Cuh-Caw!
Ashes: I already said Griffendor! (Pause) Oh and Raven Claw  I knew it was a bird

Rating out of 10 (1 low and 10 high):  I give it 2 wands and a Quidditch.

Read the books: no
Watched the movies: Only first 4 movies

Bo: Please summarize the Harry Potter Series
Broham: Harry lives with his abusive aunt and uncle in a cupboard until Hagrid comes and tells him he's a wizard.  When he goes to school he meets ginger Ron and Hermione.

They both fall in love with Hermione and fight over her.

They have to find the Sorcerer's Stone to stop Voldemort.
Harry finds the stone because... he’s Harry Potter!

His second movie I don’t remember.
In the third one he finds out about Sirius Black- his uncle.  Sirius escapes from prison and he was falsely accused of his crimes.  Harry and his friend end up getting the map that shows feet.

It ends up that ginger Ron's rat is actually a bad guy and not a rat.
Well he’s still a rat, but not a literal rat anymore.
He's the one that turned Harry’s parents into Voldemort.

They find out that Professor Lupin is a werewolf and Sirius Black fights him in werewolf form.  There’s something going on with Malfoy's dad too.  He’s trying to get Harry kicked out of school for some reason.

Then they have a tournament of champion wizards, and thanks to one of Voldemort's minions Harry has to compete in it.  I think the minion was the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.   

Harry gets in with the the dude from Hufflepuff Robert Pattison, but their friendship doesn't last because Pattison gets killed by the death spell.  The Goblet of Fire was something that transports them places  because it’s not a goblet it’s. . . whatever they call it.

At some point, Dumbledoor dies and Harry and his friends drop out of school to form the Order of the Phoenix.  They form the Order because the school can’t protect them forever.

While they are out of school, they search for the Horcruxes and they know that Voldemort’s alive because of them.  Harry’s following some cryptic clues that Dumbledore gave him before he dies.

Bo: How does the series end?
Broham: One of the Weasley twins dies, Harry ends up with Jenny, and Ron ends up with Hermione.  It's a happy ending, except for all the people that die.
Bo: Can you name a magic spell used in the series?
Broham: Expect-o Patronus! It's used to light up his wand.

Bo:  Can you name any of the books?
Broham: Sorcerer and the Stone, Goblet of Fire, Prisoner of Azcaban, Deathly Hallows
Bo: Can you name the 3 Deathly Hallows?
Broham: The wand, shield, hat.
Bo: Do you know what the name of the shield is?
Broham: I didn't know there really was a shield, I was totally guessing.
               I guess it would be called the Shield of Magic.
Rating out of 10 (1 low and 10 high): I'd give them a 6 or 7.

Read the books: No
Watched ALL the movies: The ones you kids watched at the house

Bo: Please summarize the Harry Potter Series
Dad: Harry Potter is some kind of special kid.  Something happened in his past and his mom and dad were some kind of witch.  He's the one that was suppose to take on the bad guy I guess.  That's all I know and it's a guess-ta-mation.

Bo: Can you name a magic spell used in the series?
Dad: Presto Chang-o!
Bo: What does that spell do?
Dad: It changes things into Pesto?
Bo: Nice one dad.

Bo: Who is Voldemort?
Dad:I think he's the bad guy.  He sounds like a bad guy because of his name.  I mean you really can't be the hero with a name like Voldemort.  I think his parents set him up for failure, it's sad really.

Bo: Who is Hermione?
Dad: That's Harry's girlfriend.
Bo: Who's Ron?
Dad: The red head? Isn't he the red headed guy?
Bo: Can you name the 3 Deathly Hallows?
Dad: Harry's wand, a ring, and a triangle.
Bo: A triangle? Like the shape?
Dad: No, you know the thing you play. The instrument triangle.
Rating out of 10 (1 low and 10 high): I'd give it a 6.

Looking for more magic, memories, and laughs?
Flash back. . . years ago when Chicken and I had another amazing Harry Potter adventure in Midnight Movie Madness!
Click below to continue the Harry Potter adventure!
Midnight Movie Madness!

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