Friday, April 5, 2013

Double Blog: What does it mean?

It all started when Chicken found 11 fortune cookies in Bo's kitchen . . .

Chicken:  I was hungry and looking for a mid-day snack when I came across  11. . . count them ELEVEN fortune cookies.  Who has 11 fortune cookies in their kitchen?
Bo: I do.  Well, I did.
Chicken:  So, I opened all of the cookies and laid all the fortunes out on the table.

1. Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
2. You are soon going to change your present line of work.
3.  Opportunity will soon knock.  When it does, answer the door!
4. You will always get what you want through your charm and personality.
5.  You will be fortunate in everything you put your hands to.
6. Your present plans are going to succeed.
7. Today is a perfect day to give that special person a gift.
8.  The star of riches is shining upon you.
9.  You will be showered with good luck.
10.  Man is born to live and not prepare to live.
11. Courtesy is contagious.

Chicken: These fortunes are pretty lame.

Bo: But they wouldn't be lame if we put them all together and made The Ultimate Fortune!

So this is how a challenge was issued; a challenge to take these 11 mediocre fortunes and combine them into 1 Ultimate Fortune. 
Ashes:  And I shall judge the awesomeness 
of this Ultimate Fortune when it is complete.

Bo's Ultimate Fortune:
Today, be prepared to live; because you will be fortunate and opportunity will knock.  When it does, use your charm and personality to practice random acts of kindness on Man; then you will be able to get what you want- and you will be able to change your present line of work.  Then your plans to give that special person a gift of ‘The Lucky Star of Riches’ will succeed.  When you return home you will be showered with senseless acts of beauty and contagious courtesy.
Chicken's Ultimate Fortune:
Don't practice random acts of senseless violence (except when playing the newest Assassin's Creed) and your opportunity will be fortunate presents of the perfect star of good luck prepared by a contagious charming special man.   Yes, fear not the darkness, make the sacrifice for the greater good; because love, liberty, and time are the fuels that should drive you forward.

Bo: Hang on a minute!  That sounds an awful lot like. . .
Chicken: No dice Bo!  Judge away Wonder Woman!
Ashes: I like it. Quality writing with a sprinkle of pop culture. I give it two bullet proof bracelets up! The only problem I have with this is that there are no fortune cookies to eat. *Womp Womp*

Bo: But wait, who's the winner?
Chicken: Yeah, who's the winner?
Ashes: I am always the winner no matter the challenge; fore I am Wonder Woman!
Bo: That doesn't seem fair to me.

Chicken: Of course it's fair.  Wonder Woman wins fair and square and I come in second place because of my awesome sword!
Bo: (face palm)
I swear I didn't steel the Sword of Griffindor! 
See Midnight Movie Magic:  Harry Potter 7 Part 2
from 7/15/11 for more Potter-tastic fun!

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