Sunday, March 24, 2013

Luke, I am Your Blogger- Part 1

Hello Muddah,
Hello Faddah,
I am blogging. . . while sitting in a lounge chair on the deck munching on carrots and enjoying an ice cold Cherry Coke. . . ahhhh, refreshing!

Our parents have a really big influence on our lives.   The examples they set for us determine part of who we will grow up to be.  The instill in us values that they believe are important and teach us things in hopes that we will be even more successful in our endeavors.
Now, bearing all of this in mind, some of the things our parents do are- well rather comical for a back of better words.  This is the first a series of blogs about the two biggest influences in my life. . . my mom and dad! 

But who to write about first?  Decisions, decisions, decisions.  Well, if you read the title of this entry, then you already know I've decided to go in alphabetical order and without further ado, meet my dad.
My dad is a great guy, and pretty resilient for a guy who raised 4 girls.  My poor dad was outnumbered 5 to 1 since I didn't have any brothers; even most of our pets were female.

He's always worked hard to support his family, was Mr. Fix-It around the house, and tried to teach my sisters and I every sport imaginable (with little success on my part). 
                                                                            My dad, he's the one trying to reach under my car, 
                                                                    attempting to put the serpentine belt back on my car after it slipped off.  
                                                                                    It took lots of 'man hours', but he fixed it!

My dad is also kind of quirky, and it is with much love in my heart that I relate to you some of the quirkiness that is my dad.

Dad at the Movies

Okay, to even start this story I need to tell you a little about my dad's appearance.  He's 6 foot 1 in. and is about as wide as a string bean.  The guy can eat a meal for 4 in one sitting and actually loose weight (an attribute I did not obtain).  We joke and say he's got a bottomless pit for a stomach.

He's also quite astute and picks up on things, especially movie plots;  and I'm talking quickly, VERY quickly, like withing the first 5 minutes of a movie.

When arriving at the movie theater my dad has to have his own personal jumbo size bathtub of popcorn.  Bottomless pit, remember?  
                                           One bathtub of hot buttered popcorn please.

To this day, I honestly still don't know how one man can eat so much popcorn without popping themselves, but he does and saves room for lunch afterwards.  

Before the movie begins, it's great to sit by my dad because he doesn't talk; in fact, the only thing he does do before the movie is work on polishing off his bathtub of popcorn- so he can get a free refill (making every kernel worth every penny).  

Once the movie starts, well, that's another story.   
You see, my dad will talk his way through the movie.  He repeats lines of dialog; not a word, or a few words, but entire paragraphs of dialog. The thing about that is my dad is very loud without trying (an attribute I did get from him).   So when he's repeating the movie dialog, everyone in about a 10 seat radius can hear him.

If you go to the movies with my dad, spoiler alert, he will ruin the ending of the movie at the beginning and sometimes the sequels that haven't even been filmed yet.  

I don't know how he does it, magic or something, but whenever a movie gets started, within the first 5 minutes of it starting, or any given character being on screen, he accurately predicts what will happen to them by the end of the movie.

Here are some real examples. . .
Dad: (munch munch munch) See Bruce Willis' character there?
Bo: Yeah.
Dad: He's dead.  That's why that kid can see him.  He's a ghost.

Audience: (laughter over funny part)
Dad: That lady over there in the white shirt.
Chicken: Yeah.
Dad:  She's going to die when they get there.
Chicken: No way, she's a lead character.
Dad: (munch munch) She's still going to die when they get there.

Dad: That guy there, that you can only see his hands.
Bo: Yeah.
Dad: That's Dr. Moriarty.
On Screen: Blah blah blah blah Dr. Moriarty.
Bo: How did you know that?!?
Dad: It just makes sense.  And that lady there that he's talking to. . .
Bo: Yeah.
Dad: She's going to be killed in the sequel.
Bo: Dad, there may not even be a sequel; this one just came out.
Dad: No, there has to be a sequel and she's going to get killed in the beginning of it.
Bo: How do you know that?
Dad: It just makes sense.  (munch munch)  Did you hear that? 'Dad repeats dialog from film.'  

It is important to remember that my dad is unintentionally loud when he's in a movie theater so everyone within a 10 seat/4 row radius hears these conversations.   I can only assume that they get as mystified as my sisters and I when he ALWAYS accurately predicts endings, sequels' plots, and deaths in movies.  

I'd like to imagine that 1.5 years later when 'that' movie's sequel did come out; there were about 30 people who upon seeing it thought
"WT*@#&%!!! How did that guy know that?!?!"

Yeah my dad is quite the character, and you don't even know half the story; there is much, much more to come in. . .
Luke, I Am Your Blogger- Part 2.

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