Monday, April 8, 2013

Fine Dining Without Class: Gradkowski's

Alysia & Stephen visit. . .
Hello all, I figured it had been about a million make believe years (2 years in real time) since I wrote an entry for Bo and Chicken’s blog so when Stephen told me he was elected Treasurer of the Graduate Student Association I first said “So, what I work at a BANK and WE deal with MONEY all day every day!”

After a confused staring contest Stephen said “….Anyway I was thinking we should go out and celebrate!” to which my mind registered “CHA CHING FOOOOOOOOD!!!”

Now Stephen and I don’t get out all that often, but we do try to go out once a month to a nice place for what we like to call “date night”, but should probably be called “go to a place with big portions so we can stuff ourselves silly and still have leftovers for lunch tomorrow”.

Anyway, we got all gussied up and decided to try a new place called Gradkowski’s since one of Stephen’s Professor’s recommended it. My initial thought on the name was “We’re going to Gradkowski’s and you’re a GRADuate student!” (A real knee slapper I know, I’ll keep the laughs coming!) 

After my tomfoolery was over Stephen explained that Bruce Gradkowski was a Quarterback for the University of Toledo and is currently in the NFL and just got drafted by the Steelers. (Thus ends the extent of my NFL knowledge).
Gradkowski’s is located pretty much on the University of Toledo’s Campus in a newly built strip mall-ish area. There was ample parking to be had and I managed to make it to the front door of the restaurant without tripping on my heels (I saved that for INSIDE the restaurant, so I had an audience).

We had been wise enough to call ahead and make reservations and after we had been seated I was glad we did! The place wasn’t very full when we got there, but it soon filled up completely! We had a great waitress that didn’t even bat an eye when I asked for a glass of water and  a glass of soda. They do serve every drink with 2 small straws so I was double fisting with double barrels! (Insert laugh track here.)

The menu here isn’t large by any means, but it does offer a good amount of selections. 
We decided to splurge and get an appetizer of Pesto fries. 
They came out very quickly and were delicious!
(Pictured above, my stomach was faster 
than my hand to reach for the camera, 
hence the partially eaten plate)

There were a couple of dishes on the menu that involved Pesto so it was easy to eliminate them as choices since we didn’t want to get pestoed out. (Fun Fact: Urban Dictionary defines Pestoed as smashing something in a brute sexual manner). [Memo to self: do note site Urban Dictionary as a source for a fine dining review].

After we had snacked away on the delicious pesto fries we finally made our minds up for dinner. Stephen selected the Parmesan Encrusted Salmon. (So classy!)

And I selected the Seafood Sicilian. (Not Pictured is me triumphantly thrusting my fists in the air for not only selecting a classier sounding dish, but a cheaper one at that!)
                                                                                   It’s gotta be classy…it has capers in it!

Of course we bypassed ordering the $20 burger that was on the menu and included foie gras and a fried quail egg on top of it amongst other ingredients that were too classy* for this couple (*by too classy I mean too expensive and it had mustard on it and I DO NOT do mustard, no matter how fancy it is).

Poo on YOU Grey Poupon!

While we waited for our food we enjoyed the ambiance of the restaurant. There were several flat screen TV’s broadcasting the latest on the Final 4 and décor was very tasteful. It was almost a mix between old and new Italian. The only thing that was weird was the 20 era’s music that was playing.
How can you listen to that type of music and not picture people dancing like this??

We received about 15/20 minutes after ordering and it was still steaming hot when it came to the table. They say we eat with our eyes, and my eyes were thoroughly nourished!
Iron Chef America judges might critique this plate for the butter ball being slightly askew, I consider it a very delicious and artery clogging form of  avant garde art.

Ring, Ring! Hello eyeballs? You’re welcome!

Dinner was a heavenly feast. I didn’t realize the pasta was going to have some heat but it was a delicious surprise! (P.S. DO NOT DIRECTLY BITE INTO A CAPER just so you can “see what one tastes like” they were not made for that!'

The portions might not look very big from these pictures or we underestimated how many fries we actually ate, but we did end up with leftovers from our meal.

One of my favorite things about this restaurant is that they box up the leftovers for you and bag them up. They even marked the containers with the date. One more thing about these containers, they are dishwasher safe and microwave safe, seriously they are the nicest take out containers I’ve ever had. I actually washed mine out and plan to re-use it they are THAT GOOD!
We would definitely visit Gradkowski’s again in the future! It’s not an everyday place to eat since our entire meal was about $50 for the two of us, but it offered us a pleasant night out with a great atmosphere, wonderful food and we got to steal glances at Bruce Gradkowski himself! 

All in all a great place to visit and the staff couldn’t have been friendlier (well they could have, but then it would have been borderline creepy). For sure stop by and check this place out and make sure you save some food to take home so you can use the wonderful containers. (I should be a spokesperson for these things seriously!)

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