Friday, February 24, 2012

Are you there God? It's me Blog.

The following blog was not written for big laughs or giggles.  It was written (by all the grandchildren) as a tribute to our grandmother Darlene Barbara Brock who recently passed away.  

Grandmothers are truly special people and bring so much into our lives.  They share their knowledge with a lifetime of experience to back it.  Our grandmother, Nonie, taught us so much and had such a strong influence on our lives- she shall live on in our hearts and memories forever.  

This is for you Nonie. We all love you.
                        A Tribute to the World’s Greatest Grandmother:
Darlene Barbara Brock
Life is a journey.  Sometimes the path is filled with sunshine and songbirds.  Other times fog blurs your vision and rain clouds fill the sky.  As you journey through life, you grow and learn.  Darlene Barbara Brock, our Nonie, knew so much about life.  We are Darlene’s grandchildren and we would like to share some of the things she has taught us.
Nonie taught us the importance of hard work.  From dawn’s first light until sunset- as long as there’s sunshine- there’s work to be done.  Or as Nonie always said, “Man works from sun to sun, but a woman’s work is never done.”
She taught us the importance of nutrition.  We all have fond memories of helping Nonie plant and harvest the garden.  Everything tastes better, fresh picked, and eaten outside.  Nonie made sure no one ever left her house with an empty stomach. When you came to Nonie and Papaw’s you were guaranteed to be fed a 3 course meal.  A few of our favorites are: gooseberry pie, mashed potatoes, fried pies, pumpkin rolls, fried chicken, baked beans, chili, and chicken and noodles.  As Papaw always said, “Your Nonie’s cookin’ is so good; it’d make your tongue slap your ears right off.”
She taught us you don’t need a medical license to practice medicine.  Everyone who’s ever met Nonie has first-hand experience with her first-aid.  Nonie had a natural cure for every ailment.  Puffballs were perfect for cuts, ‘backer was the best for bee stings, a scraped potato is great for spider bites and infection.
From spiders to raccoons, snakes to birds, Nonie taught us to care for all creatures’ great and small.  No animal was ever too scale-y, furry, or ornery for Nonie.
Nonie taught us how to show people that we care.  My fondest memories with Nonie are the two of us sitting by the fireplace making things out of beads, helping her break beans, and going over to Mamaw’s to watch TV and drink tea.  All the while she’d scratch or rub my back until we came back home.  She took care of all of us and was always there when we needed her.
Most importantly, Nonie taught us to love with our whole heart.  Nonie and Papaw.  Papaw and Nonie.  That’s the way it’s always been and always will be.  Their love was so pure and strong; we would all be blessed to have a love as beautiful as theirs.
Nonie is a strong willed, stubborn woman who taught me to stand my ground.  She had her feet firmly planted, her head held high, and her heart full of love for anyone willing to accept it.
Shortly after 2 a.m. on February 14th Nonie joined Papaw in heaven.  Nonie got what she wanted most this Valentine’s Day; she’s back with the love of her life. 
Our memories of our Nonie, and the life lessons that she's taught us have become even more precious.  In times of grief we look to our friends and family for comfort, and the sky for answers.
We would like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and shoulders to cry on; your strength and support are greatly appreciated.

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