Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Day In The Life. . . of Rosie O'

A Day In The Life
of Bo's dog Rosie

First you must know that Rosie is not a normal dog, 
in fact she's quite abnormal.  
She runs like a deer, has ears like a rabbit, 
the nose of a blood hound, the voice of a goose, 
and the personality of. . . well, I'm not exactly 
what creature she gets her personality from 
but she does prefer the company of cats.
Rosie is not your normal dog.  
She makes very un-dog-like sounds that 
sometimes resemble goose honks 
and she has terrible separation anxiety.  
She's also deathly afraid of nail clippers, 
the word "bath",  and thunder,
She's also obsessed with lights and shadows.
That being said, 
Rosie is definitely the best dog I have ever had.  
But there are times when I come home 
to find some very curious things, 
and since I don't speak goose (Rosie's preferred language), 
I can't quite understand what has happened.
Since Rosie is not your average dog, 
I've often wondered what she does while I'm at work all day.  
So for your consideration, I've created the following story.

A Day in the Life of Rosie O'
5:00 a.m. - Bo's alarm goes off- time to get up
5:30 a.m. - Check the perimiter and the food bowl (not necessarily in that order)
6:00 a.m. - Have a temper tantrum as Bo tries to leave
6:05 a.m. - Wait for the sound of the garage door closing
6:10 a.m. - Go back to bed
10:00 a.m. Take a leisuirely stroll to the food bowl and 
           find a   fascinating light speck on the wall.
           Follow the light across wall and onto the floor. 
           Repeat a few dozen times.
11:00 - 2:30- 
     Trail the cat
     Catch the cat
     Bathe the cat
     Receive a bath from the cat
     Catch up on the feline gossip.
     Discover I have a tail.

3:00 p.m. - Have a pillow fight with the cat.  Find some magical fluff in the pillow.  Decide to spread the magic and pull all the magical fluff out of the pillow as a gift to Bo.
3:30 p.m. Discover the cat has a tail

Many have asked me to write down Rosie's many adventures; since she has so many crazy ones; like the the tale of the 'Magical Woods Ham'.  Due to this, I've added to my bucket list. . .

Write Rosie's Life Story.

Which has me wondering, do you have a bucket list?  If so, what's on it?  What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?  Or in the words of Rosie O'. . . "Honk, honk, honk-honk?"

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