Saturday, July 2, 2011

Red, White, and Blog

Happy 4th of July!

Yes, it's that time of year again! 
A time of cook-outs, family get-togethers, fireworks, and smores. 

A time for togetherness. 

A time for fun. 

A time for severe burns and trips to the emergency room.

As we get ready for this 4th of July,
Chicken and I would like to share with you some
very important Do's and Don'ts for your holiday. 

You live and you learn-
and we've learned quite a lot about how to stay safe
when fireworks are involved.

DON'T stick sparklers in gravel
or anything that conducts heat,  
dance around them bare-footed,
and grab the hot sparklers 
with an ungloved hand.
Chicken ended up doing this and had severe burns on her hands. 
Bo tried to help by applying (what she thought was) burn cream on them. 
Ends up it was actually anti-itch cream. 
P.S. Itch cream only succeeds in making burns hurt more.

DO buy enough chocolate to make smores.
 Smores are a 4th of July staple. 
Always make sure you have enough chocolate for ample smore making.

DON'T sit in the "Danger Zone"
when immature males are shooting off fireworks.
*It is important to know, the "Danger Zone" is anywhere
within a mile radius around the males. *
If you do sit in the "Danger Zone",
 there is a good chance you will get hit with a lit firework
that will burn a hole in your shirt or the chair in which you are sitting.

 DO bring a cooler full of ice.
A cooler is a great place to keep your sodas, hot dogs, condiments. 
However, do NOT eat the ice, because no matter how hard you try-
there always ends up being grass and other randomness in the bottom of it.
*Ice can also be handy if someone burns their hands on a sparkler. *

DON'T hold a cat
when fireworks are going off.

Chicken was holding her cat when the neighbors started setting off fireworks.
 The cat nearly shredded her shirt and did shred her face.

DO bring outdoor game supplies.
Corn hole, touch football, soccer, frisbee, and softball
are just a few outdoor games that are both fun and easy to gather supplies for. 
Who needs bases when you have trees and a thorny rosebush? 

DON'T set a bonfire
near a woods
during a Burn-Ban.
Yeah, I think the photo pretty much says it all.

DO have easy access to a bathroom.
After 3 sodas, sports, and lots of laughter-
you don't want to be too far from a bathroom.

DO have lots of working bug repellent.
What could be worse than a mosquito bite?  How about 20 mosquito bites?
Make sure you have plenty of high-quality-working bug repellent. 

When you wish upon a firework this holiday,
we hope it's from a safe distance with lots friends and family. 
Stay Safe! 
Have Fun! 

Best wishes to you and yours this 4th of July holiday,

Bo & Chicken

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