Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Breakfast Blog

Bo: We have been so busy lately that sometimes
       we forget to stop and smell the Fruit I mean roses.

Chicken: Mmmm...Fruit Loops..

Bo: Hey are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Chicken: I think so but where can I get enough applesauce to fill a kiddie pool?

Bo: *faceplam*

Chicken: Do you think Sam's Club sells it in ten gallon barrells?

Bo: So anyway we were thinking about holding a blind breakfast cereal taste test.

Chicken: Oh ya...of course...I was thinking the same thing....

Bo: Of course you were chicken.....

Doughnut Taste Test
Goal: While blindfolded, Ashes had to correctly name each doughnut
           and not get any sprinkles in her nose.

Ashes entered the kitchen ready for the challenge.

Ashes: You guys better not give me two of the same doughnut to try and trick me.
Bo & Chicken: . . .(pause). . .
Bo: We'd never do that.
Chicken: (whispering to Bo) We are so going to do that!

Doughnut #1
-It has soft innards but a stiff outer crust
-I can feel a glaze
-It smells yeast-y
-I wanna say it smells like chocolate but I think I’m wrong

Guess: Tiger Tail
Actual Name: Kid’s Doughnut

Doughnut #2
-Clearly these are sprinkles
-This is so hard, are you sure these aren’t stale?
-There's some sort of pattern in the glaze
-Smells butterscotch-y and molasses-y
Guess: Some kind of chocolate, either German or Death-by
Actual Name: Old Fashion Chocolate Cake

Doughnut #3
 -Now how do you put what just happened in a blog?

Bo:  Yeah, we're still trying to figure this one out.
-Some kind of Bismark
-It's probably raspberry.  Am I wrong?
Guess: Chocolate filled Bismark
Actual Name: Custard-filled Bismark

Doughnut #4
 Ashes smelled it and then responded with a series of questions.
-Are you sure these are all doughnuts?
-Is this some kind of danish?
-Is it a turnover?
Guess: Cinnamon Apple Doughnut
Actual Name: Apple Fritter

Doughnut #5
 -I smell chocolate!
-Maybe all doughnuts just smell like chocolate?
Guess:  Regular plain ol' doughnut with chocolate icing
Actual Name: Custard Filled Bismark
Ashes: I told you not to do that!
Bo & Chicken: We only did it because you told us not to.

Cereal Taste Test 
"I knew it was Raisin Bran
because the sun popped out and
said "it's got 2 scoops of raisins!" ~Bo  

"I knew it was Captain Crunch
because it cut the top of my mouth all to pieces."~ Chicken

But would you know what the cereal
you were eating if you lost one of your senses?

It's Grrreat!
It's Geeeeneric!
But not these cereals folks!  Ashes set up an amazing cereal taste test for us. 
No copy right infringement is intended- so we've protected the identity of the cereal mascots.
So here's the rules and set-up:
Bo & Chicken we're tested separately by Ashes,
wore blindfolds, sampled each cereal,
and decide which name-brand one it was
Bo & Chicken were not told the cereals ahead of time.

Bo: Yeah, so we had no idea what we were eating. 
      At one point I was convinced the cereal sounded
      like dog food pouring into my bowl.
Ashes: It wasn't dog food.
Chicken: Not all of it anyway.

Cereal #1
-Okay- this is gross!  It's gotta be some kind of healthy cereal.
-It tastes like cardboard- so I know it can't be Fiber One.

-There are different textures and shapes but there's no flavor.

Bo's Guess: Oat-E- O's      Chicken's Guess: Cheerios
It was actually: Cheerios

Cereal #2
-The cereal is in ball form.
-Odd, it's not chocolate- I was thinking coco balls but there's no peanut butter

-It sounds like cheese puffs being poured in a bowl. Fingers crossed that it's a ball cereal!
-It smells fruity- I didn't think they made a fruity ball cereal.
- It tastes like fruity pebbles- but those aren't balls are they?
Chicken then began trying to remember the cereal's slogan
-Sorry Rabbit- no that's not it. . . . Sorry Rabbit Kix is for kids.
-Ummmm Really Rabbit. . .no, Silly Rabbit.
-How does that slogan go?
Bo's Guess: Kix      Chicken's Guess: Trix
It was actually: Trix Swirls

Cereal #3
-It's a hula hoop form but it doesn't taste like apple cinnamon.
-It's not cutting the top of my mouth- so it's high quality.

- It sounds healthy.
-No smell
-OMG!  Is this the cheerios?  I mean come on!
-These O's feel bigger than what I just ate
-No flavor to them at all.

Bo's Guess: Plain Cheerios      Chicken's Guess: Cheerios
It was actually: Honey Nut Cheerios

Cereal #4
-Even pouring into the bowl it sounds like something a child would like.
-I can't tell the shape of the pieces but I know this taste!

-This is my desert for the night so it better be good!
-Ewww!  This one smells gross!
-It's in squares.
-What is it. . .oh, I know it starts with an N
-Is Chex Mix a cereal?
Bo's Guess: Golden Grahams       Chicken's Guess: Chex Mix
It was actually: Golden Grahams

Cereal #5
-It sounds like a party that I want to be invited to!
-Oh, man, it tastes like an adult cereal. 
  You know, one that you have to eat if you're on a diet or have high cholesterol.

 -It sounds really heavy falling into the bowl.
-I thought I already ate cheerios but with a little flavor to it.
Bo's Guess:Honey Nut Cheerios       Chicken's Guess: Cheerios
It was actually: Frosted Cheerios

Cereal #6
-It sounds like dog food being poured in my bowl and tastes like the alphabet. 
-I taste X's and O's.
-I think that's a marshmallow but with some kind of shape mixed with it.
-I think this is an X maybe an R?

Bo's Guess: Alpha-bits      Chicken's Guess: Alpha-bits with marshmallows
It was actually: Lucky Charms

Cereal #7
- OMG!  I'm tasting memories!
- I use to always think I was being sneaky-drinking the soy milk after the cereal was gone because it was mostly sugar.
-Sounds like cheese balls
- Let's see if these are balls. . .What?!? These aren't balls!
-I smell cinnamon. . .okay I know this cereal.  I'm going to be SO mad if I'm wrong.
Bo's Guess:  Cinnamon Toast Crunch     Chicken's Guess: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
It was actually:  Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Cereal # 8
-Sounds like a Reece cup pouring into my bowl!
-I don't taste any peanut butter and it's difficult to taste any chocolate.
-It smells like raisins.
-Great. . .more balls.
-The taste reminds me of Cookie Crisp.
Bo's Guess:  Cocoa Puffs     Chicken's Guess: Captain Crunch Chocolate Balls
It was actually: Cocoa Puffs

Chicken's Bonus Cereal
- It sounds like bricks being poured in my bowl.
-No crackle sounds and I can't smell anything.
-This has no taste and it's in weird chunks.
-This is definitely some kind of healthy cereal.
Chicken's Guess:Great Nuts
It was actually: Cascadian Farms Organic Granola Oats and Honey

Bo's Surprise Cereal
-There is no coating on the cereal.
-It is hard to pick up a piece of cereal when you're blindfolded.
 I've dropped the cereal out of my spoon six times!
Bo's Guess:  Unfrosted Wheat Pillows 
It was actually: Frosted Mini-Wheats with a touch of fruit
What We Learned:

Bo: I was shocked at how much your sense of taste depends on your sight! 
        Yeah, it was impossible for me to tell the difference between the
         3 different kinds of Cheerios.

Chicken:  I didn't realize how heavily your sense of taste relies on your vision.
                   I also learned that Golden Grahams tastes like donkey crap
                  wrapped in a buffalo turd.

Ashes: I know, some of my favorite doughnuts tasted disgusting
              and I had a hard time figuring out what was chocolate and what wasn't.

Bo: I also learned that when your blindfolded, people will act crazy in the background so you end up with some interesting photos. . . Ashes

Side Note:
After 4 doughnuts and 18 bowls of cereal we came up with some crazy ideas;
one of which involves
a Twister spinner,
a Trouble board,
and a Walmart.
Oh, the shenanigans we shall have!

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