Saturday, May 14, 2011

Garden Wars: Gettin' Down and Dirty

Well it's the end of week one,
and our gardens are in completely different places. . .literally!

Chicken: Not funny Bo. 
Bo: It was too!
Chicken: Nope.  It was pretty lame. 
               Maybe that's why I have WAY more Garden Warriors than you.
Bo: Whatever, you have to be bribing people.
       There must be more BoBo Warriors out there.
Chicken: Only time will tell, only time will tell.

Bo's Garden Update:

Started from seeds: corn, cucumber, zucchini, onions (yellow, red, & white), potatoes, spearmint

Started from seedlings: lavender, dill (for the butterflies), different kinds of tomatoes (cherry, Roma, Better Boy, sweet, and other) , green bell peppers, jalapenos, sweet basil, sweet peas

Fertilizer: None

Biggest Challenge: Prepping for planting.

Looking Forward To: The amazing scent of the sweet basil and lavender!

Crop Most Concerned About: The onions not withering away in the heat of the summer.  I lost half of my onions last year due to the summer heat.

Why should you be a BoBo Garden Warrior:  I carry on family planting traditions and ways that have been used for ages.  From the best time to plant each crop, to maintaining it, I hold true to the old ways.  I'm the master of getting down, while not getting dirty, and keeping a great garden.  BoBo Warriors are bright as the sunshine, continue the traditions of old, while planning their crops for planting around fall canning. 

Chicken's Garden Update:

Started from seeds: peas

Started from seedlings: potatoes, better boy tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, jalapenos, red bell peppers, green bell peppers, banana peppers, red onions, yellow onions, zucchini-squash, basil, cilantro, lavender, peppermint, strawberries, Anaheim peppers

Fertilizer: Capital N-O! - Organic Baby!

Biggest Challenge: In the spirit of competition, I've expanded my garden- so keeping up with weeding and watering are going to be a huge challenge for me.

Looking Forward To: Harvesting!

Crop Most Concerned About: My onions getting pulled up, last year as soon as I planted them something came and pulled them all up.  Poof!  They were completely gone.

Why should you be a Chicken Garden Warrior: "Chicken Warriors seek to act rather than talk."  Chicken Warriors believe the best way to get things done is to get down and dirty.  Following Native American Traditions by using the wisdom of my elders to properly plan, plant, care for, and harvest my crops.   Any and everyone can be a Chicken Warrior.

Choose Your Side: Vote!

Do you have any gardening tips for Chicken or Bo? 
Leave them in the comments below and your gardening tips may be in the next Garden Wars Update!


  1. Here's a garden tip for you:
    When you use seed packages make sure to carefully tear open the packs and NOT cut the pack- cause you might damage the seeds. And don't forget that seeds like to hide in the corners of the packs.

  2. Some people believe that when roto-tilling a garden they are getting ride of weeds as they are turned under the ground. . .HOWEVER you may actually be making your weed problem worse, as turning over the dirt may bring weed seeds (previously underground) to the surface.

    The best solution is to cover your garden with mulch each fall to prevent seeds from getting in it.

  3. You have to set your plants in a very deep hole and make sure all of the roots are covered!
