Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dog Days Of Summer

A house is not a home without a pet. 

Now-a-days most people have a furry companion or two at home; Chicken and I are no exception.

Those four legged furried companions whose tail wagging and toothy grins always seem to make you smile even when you're having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day - like the "apocalypse" last Saturday.

Chicken and I both have 2 dogs each; and they get into just as many shenanigans as we do.

Meet Max
"You have got to be kidding me! 
I just shaved you, bathed you, and put you in that twelve dollar shirt-
now you're rolling in that freshly lain mulch!"

Owner: Chicken
Full Name: Maxwell Benjamin Toby Ploutz
Nicknames: Max, Maxy-Poo, Max-a-roni  (Ashes calls me Biscuit)
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Age: August 9, 2005  I am 5 years old!

Things I do that makes my mommy love me:
 I like to snuggle and give hugs; and I'm simply adorable when I play.  I always behave myself when I'm in the car or at the store.  I also like to pose for photos and I always make my mommy feel better when she's having a bad day.  I also like to dress up.

Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out:
I try to steal food from a 19 year old cat every chance I get.
I don't like to take baths.  I don't like to share food, treats, or toys.
Mommy makes me wear a muzzle when their is other dogs and food around.
I scratch on doors if I can't get to my mom. 
When mom is sweeping, I like to walk in the dirt and drag it around the floor. 
I like to roll in stinky spots in the yard and in the mulch; especially when I've just been shaved and freshly bathed.
My Favorite Treat: Pupperoni Sticks
My Favorite Toy: Stuffed Duck
Favorite Activities: Sleeping
Least Favorite Activity: Going to the vet, getting shaved, and taking a bath

Meet Chloe

"Don't you do it!  Don't you dare run away to Nonie's. . .Chloe get back here!"

Owner: Bo
Full Name: Chloe Elizabeth Grace
Nicknames: Chlo-Bear & Snuggle Puppy (some inconsiderate people call me "the sloth")
Breed: Shitzu
Age: 6 years old  My birthday is July 30.

Things I do that makes my mommy love me: 
I'm a great snuggler and the perfect lap dog. 
I'm very quiet and reserved, but I'm not afraid to growl or bark to make a point. 
I am the perfect dog.

Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out:
I may be 6 but I am a rebellious teen. 
I'm lazy and love to roll in gross stuff right after I get a bath. 
And when I want to be spoiled rotten- I run away to Nonie's. 
I am super picky about what I eat.  I am the queen of the castle.

My Favorite Treat: Canine Carry-Outs
My Favorite Toy: Cat nip cloth mouse
Favorite Activities: Snuggling, sleeping, and hanging-out with Nonie
Least Favorite Activities: Having my nails trimmed and sharing with another dog

Meet Kenji

"Kenji, get out of that fountain and eat your expensive food!"

Owner: Chicken
Full Name: Kenji Lee Lion
Nicknames: Big Boy, Kenj-er-doos,  Kenny
Breed: Australian Shepard
Age: Born October 30, 2006   I am 4 years old.

Things I do that makes my mommy love me: 
I'm very loving and a cuddle bug.  I'm the perfect size for a foot stool. 
I love to play in the water and go on walks.  I LOVE to ride in the car. 
I'm a good boy and I'm smart.  I can do a lot of tricks.  I just live to please.
Oh, and snow is my most favoritest thing ever- I think it should show all the time.
Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out:
I have SEVERE allergies and have to be on expensive food and medicine.  I don't like the food. 
I have small-dog-syndrome and I like to jump on people. 
I love to play in water, but mommy has to wrestle me to take a bath. 
I recently discovered I have an attitude toward other dogs. 
I don't like going to the vet, so mommy makes me wear a muzzle there because I like to bite the vet.  Then I roll on the ground and make a scene in the waiting room. 
I like to swallow raw hides and chew bones whole, and that makes mommy paranoid.

My Favorite Treat: Salmon Jerky Strips
My Favorite Toy: Kong filled with peanut butter
Favorite Activities: playing in the water, riding in the car, and playing at grandma's
Least Favorite Activities: going to the vet, taking a bath, and mom being paranoid and not letting me eat raw hides or any type of bones

Meet Rosie

"Oh, no.  What are you dragging out of the woods? 
Is that . .? 
Where did you find a whole entire spiral sliced honey glazed ham?"

Owner: Bo
Full Name: Rosie O'
Nicknames: Ro-Ro & Rose
Breed: Puggle-Wire-Hair Terrier Mix
Age: 3 years old
 Things I do that makes my mommy love me:
I found a ham one time. 
I like to eat ham I find in the woods.  Mmmm ham. 
I can honk like a goose. 
I am a good dog.  Yes I is. 
I can do tricks. 
I can give high-fives, shake, sit, lay down, sit pretty, and sing. 
I have a big bark. 
It is so big I can sound like 10 dogs when I bark. 
I like to herd mom's chickens.  I put them back in their house and eat their food. 
I like to eat food.  Even things that are not food like pens and sticks.

Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out: 
I like to guard food my mom sits on the kitchen table and counters.  I will guard empty plates too. 
I is a good dog. 
I like to run. 
I like the rain. 
I can run fast. 
Sometimes I run fast in the woods and look for more ham in the rain. 
Then mom has to come get me because I can't hear her when I am hunting. 
I don't like getting my nails trimmed. 
Last week it took three people to hold me down so I could get my nails trimmed.  
I like light.  Light is pretty. 
I chase lights and shadows. 
I will climb up people to chase the light and shadows.  I try to eat the lights but they are fast. 
I do not like when mom leaves me. 
I cry and cry. 
I also honk and squeal. 
Mom says I make very "undog-like sounds."
My Favorite Treat: Treats?  Treats?  I wanna treat. Treat. Treat. Treat. Treat Please!  Treat.
My Favorite Toy: Do I still get a treat?  I wanna treat.
Favorite Activities: Finding ham in the woods and getting treats. . . Can I have a ham treat puh-lease!
 Least Favorite Activities: Mom leaving me at home and having my nails trimmed. .  Does I still get a treat?

As you can see our dogs are some pretty interesting canines. 

There also like our children.
Chicken's dog Max turned five last year,
so Chicken threw a doggie pool party for him. 

Complete with a dog friendly cake,
doggie treat bags for all the canine guests,
a cupcake for the humans,
and of course a pool.

"In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human.   The point of it is to open ones self to the possibility of becoming partly a dog." - Edward Hoagland 

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