Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Garden Wars: Birds of a Feather

Week 4 Update
All my seeds have sprouted, all of my bell peppers and tomatoes have blooms, but living the life of a gardener is tough.

                            This is how a true Chicken Warrior lives. . .in the dirt!

            Chicken Warriors are resourceful.  They know how to handle the locals and find food.

                            They know that after a hard days' work in the garden,
                                  the best thing to do is take a relaxing shower. 

                            And Chicken Warriors don’t have time for soap operas,
                            since they’re too busy talking to the peas and tomatoes.

I’ve planted everything except my onions.  Even though I’ve almost doubled the size of my garden, I ran out of room before I planted them.  So now I have to do another garden expansion (this week) so I can get them planted.

This is how a to BoBo Warrior lives. . . gardening happily (and dirt free) ever after.

                            BoBo warriors know how to communicate with the local wildlife.

                            BoBo  warriors aren’t afraid to dance in the rain- without an umbrella.
                                            (But they are cautious of mud puddles.)

                            BoBo warriors enjoy the great outdoors, nature, and all wildlife
                                                        (just not all the bugs and dirt).

Thanks to Nonie, Eda, and A. Nonymous
for their gardening tips! 

Do you have any gardening tips for Bo & Chicken? 
 Leave them in the comments below.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dog Days Of Summer

A house is not a home without a pet. 

Now-a-days most people have a furry companion or two at home; Chicken and I are no exception.

Those four legged furried companions whose tail wagging and toothy grins always seem to make you smile even when you're having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day - like the "apocalypse" last Saturday.

Chicken and I both have 2 dogs each; and they get into just as many shenanigans as we do.

Meet Max
"You have got to be kidding me! 
I just shaved you, bathed you, and put you in that twelve dollar shirt-
now you're rolling in that freshly lain mulch!"

Owner: Chicken
Full Name: Maxwell Benjamin Toby Ploutz
Nicknames: Max, Maxy-Poo, Max-a-roni  (Ashes calls me Biscuit)
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Age: August 9, 2005  I am 5 years old!

Things I do that makes my mommy love me:
 I like to snuggle and give hugs; and I'm simply adorable when I play.  I always behave myself when I'm in the car or at the store.  I also like to pose for photos and I always make my mommy feel better when she's having a bad day.  I also like to dress up.

Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out:
I try to steal food from a 19 year old cat every chance I get.
I don't like to take baths.  I don't like to share food, treats, or toys.
Mommy makes me wear a muzzle when their is other dogs and food around.
I scratch on doors if I can't get to my mom. 
When mom is sweeping, I like to walk in the dirt and drag it around the floor. 
I like to roll in stinky spots in the yard and in the mulch; especially when I've just been shaved and freshly bathed.
My Favorite Treat: Pupperoni Sticks
My Favorite Toy: Stuffed Duck
Favorite Activities: Sleeping
Least Favorite Activity: Going to the vet, getting shaved, and taking a bath

Meet Chloe

"Don't you do it!  Don't you dare run away to Nonie's. . .Chloe get back here!"

Owner: Bo
Full Name: Chloe Elizabeth Grace
Nicknames: Chlo-Bear & Snuggle Puppy (some inconsiderate people call me "the sloth")
Breed: Shitzu
Age: 6 years old  My birthday is July 30.

Things I do that makes my mommy love me: 
I'm a great snuggler and the perfect lap dog. 
I'm very quiet and reserved, but I'm not afraid to growl or bark to make a point. 
I am the perfect dog.

Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out:
I may be 6 but I am a rebellious teen. 
I'm lazy and love to roll in gross stuff right after I get a bath. 
And when I want to be spoiled rotten- I run away to Nonie's. 
I am super picky about what I eat.  I am the queen of the castle.

My Favorite Treat: Canine Carry-Outs
My Favorite Toy: Cat nip cloth mouse
Favorite Activities: Snuggling, sleeping, and hanging-out with Nonie
Least Favorite Activities: Having my nails trimmed and sharing with another dog

Meet Kenji

"Kenji, get out of that fountain and eat your expensive food!"

Owner: Chicken
Full Name: Kenji Lee Lion
Nicknames: Big Boy, Kenj-er-doos,  Kenny
Breed: Australian Shepard
Age: Born October 30, 2006   I am 4 years old.

Things I do that makes my mommy love me: 
I'm very loving and a cuddle bug.  I'm the perfect size for a foot stool. 
I love to play in the water and go on walks.  I LOVE to ride in the car. 
I'm a good boy and I'm smart.  I can do a lot of tricks.  I just live to please.
Oh, and snow is my most favoritest thing ever- I think it should show all the time.
Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out:
I have SEVERE allergies and have to be on expensive food and medicine.  I don't like the food. 
I have small-dog-syndrome and I like to jump on people. 
I love to play in water, but mommy has to wrestle me to take a bath. 
I recently discovered I have an attitude toward other dogs. 
I don't like going to the vet, so mommy makes me wear a muzzle there because I like to bite the vet.  Then I roll on the ground and make a scene in the waiting room. 
I like to swallow raw hides and chew bones whole, and that makes mommy paranoid.

My Favorite Treat: Salmon Jerky Strips
My Favorite Toy: Kong filled with peanut butter
Favorite Activities: playing in the water, riding in the car, and playing at grandma's
Least Favorite Activities: going to the vet, taking a bath, and mom being paranoid and not letting me eat raw hides or any type of bones

Meet Rosie

"Oh, no.  What are you dragging out of the woods? 
Is that . .? 
Where did you find a whole entire spiral sliced honey glazed ham?"

Owner: Bo
Full Name: Rosie O'
Nicknames: Ro-Ro & Rose
Breed: Puggle-Wire-Hair Terrier Mix
Age: 3 years old
 Things I do that makes my mommy love me:
I found a ham one time. 
I like to eat ham I find in the woods.  Mmmm ham. 
I can honk like a goose. 
I am a good dog.  Yes I is. 
I can do tricks. 
I can give high-fives, shake, sit, lay down, sit pretty, and sing. 
I have a big bark. 
It is so big I can sound like 10 dogs when I bark. 
I like to herd mom's chickens.  I put them back in their house and eat their food. 
I like to eat food.  Even things that are not food like pens and sticks.

Things I do that makes my mommy pull her hair out: 
I like to guard food my mom sits on the kitchen table and counters.  I will guard empty plates too. 
I is a good dog. 
I like to run. 
I like the rain. 
I can run fast. 
Sometimes I run fast in the woods and look for more ham in the rain. 
Then mom has to come get me because I can't hear her when I am hunting. 
I don't like getting my nails trimmed. 
Last week it took three people to hold me down so I could get my nails trimmed.  
I like light.  Light is pretty. 
I chase lights and shadows. 
I will climb up people to chase the light and shadows.  I try to eat the lights but they are fast. 
I do not like when mom leaves me. 
I cry and cry. 
I also honk and squeal. 
Mom says I make very "undog-like sounds."
My Favorite Treat: Treats?  Treats?  I wanna treat. Treat. Treat. Treat. Treat Please!  Treat.
My Favorite Toy: Do I still get a treat?  I wanna treat.
Favorite Activities: Finding ham in the woods and getting treats. . . Can I have a ham treat puh-lease!
 Least Favorite Activities: Mom leaving me at home and having my nails trimmed. .  Does I still get a treat?

As you can see our dogs are some pretty interesting canines. 

There also like our children.
Chicken's dog Max turned five last year,
so Chicken threw a doggie pool party for him. 

Complete with a dog friendly cake,
doggie treat bags for all the canine guests,
a cupcake for the humans,
and of course a pool.

"In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human.   The point of it is to open ones self to the possibility of becoming partly a dog." - Edward Hoagland 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Garden Wars: Gettin' Down and Dirty

Well it's the end of week one,
and our gardens are in completely different places. . .literally!

Chicken: Not funny Bo. 
Bo: It was too!
Chicken: Nope.  It was pretty lame. 
               Maybe that's why I have WAY more Garden Warriors than you.
Bo: Whatever, you have to be bribing people.
       There must be more BoBo Warriors out there.
Chicken: Only time will tell, only time will tell.

Bo's Garden Update:

Started from seeds: corn, cucumber, zucchini, onions (yellow, red, & white), potatoes, spearmint

Started from seedlings: lavender, dill (for the butterflies), different kinds of tomatoes (cherry, Roma, Better Boy, sweet, and other) , green bell peppers, jalapenos, sweet basil, sweet peas

Fertilizer: None

Biggest Challenge: Prepping for planting.

Looking Forward To: The amazing scent of the sweet basil and lavender!

Crop Most Concerned About: The onions not withering away in the heat of the summer.  I lost half of my onions last year due to the summer heat.

Why should you be a BoBo Garden Warrior:  I carry on family planting traditions and ways that have been used for ages.  From the best time to plant each crop, to maintaining it, I hold true to the old ways.  I'm the master of getting down, while not getting dirty, and keeping a great garden.  BoBo Warriors are bright as the sunshine, continue the traditions of old, while planning their crops for planting around fall canning. 

Chicken's Garden Update:

Started from seeds: peas

Started from seedlings: potatoes, better boy tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, jalapenos, red bell peppers, green bell peppers, banana peppers, red onions, yellow onions, zucchini-squash, basil, cilantro, lavender, peppermint, strawberries, Anaheim peppers

Fertilizer: Capital N-O! - Organic Baby!

Biggest Challenge: In the spirit of competition, I've expanded my garden- so keeping up with weeding and watering are going to be a huge challenge for me.

Looking Forward To: Harvesting!

Crop Most Concerned About: My onions getting pulled up, last year as soon as I planted them something came and pulled them all up.  Poof!  They were completely gone.

Why should you be a Chicken Garden Warrior: "Chicken Warriors seek to act rather than talk."  Chicken Warriors believe the best way to get things done is to get down and dirty.  Following Native American Traditions by using the wisdom of my elders to properly plan, plant, care for, and harvest my crops.   Any and everyone can be a Chicken Warrior.

Choose Your Side: Vote!

Do you have any gardening tips for Chicken or Bo? 
Leave them in the comments below and your gardening tips may be in the next Garden Wars Update!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Garden Wars: Revenge of the Carrots

It all started with a seed. . .

. . . slowly that seed sprouted and started a war between two sisters
 - a Garden War!

Every year Chicken & Bo have their own respective flower and vegetable gardens;
and every year the stakes are raised higher for the tomato plants.

Each spring and summer Bo & Chicken are always trying to out-grow and out-bloom each other.  This year the garden trash talk, well I guess it would be more "dirt talk," started early with the revenge of the carrots.

Last growing season, Chicken tried to grow carrots with out success; and half of Bo's green onions withered away.   But those fallen veggies came back with the torrential downpours that we've received in April.  As Chicken was planning her garden this spring she had carrots growing and Bo's green onions were standing tall.

This began the dirt talk and the decision was made to let the gardens speak for themselves; so we could find out who was the real Master Gardener.

Meet The Garden Warriors

Name: BoBo
Nickname: Princess Petunia
Garden Motto: One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation.
Weapon of Choice: Rose pattern cotton gauntlet gloves
Best Known For: Not getting dirty and growing tons of tasty tomatoes

Name: Chicken
Nickname: Little McChicken
Garden Motto: In order to live off a garden you HAVE to live in it.
Weapon of Choice: Stainless steel ergo gel-grip hand trowel
Best Known For: Planting early and finishing with an amazing crop

The Challenge

To plant and cultivate a garden with superior quality and great tasting vegetables. 
The quality and taste of the veggies will be judged by a panel of gardening experts (our mom, nonie, & Idie).

The Battle Is On!
Now it's game time. 
Two sisters. 
Two gardens. 
Two very different gardening styles. 
Who will win. 
Who will be The Master Gardener?