Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How BoBo Got Her Blog Back

This year BoBo's spring break was truly one of
randomness, magic, and discovery. 

It all started when my chickens (not The Chicken) started laying eggs at an alarming rate. 
2 dozen eggs in less than a week and a half! 
So what's a gal to do? 
Especially a gal that doesn't eat eggs for breakfast.  
Baking was the answer. 

So I baked.  
                  And I baked. 
                                      And I baked.
                                                         And I baked some more. 
Each time I found a boxed or bagged mix I became a little more creative. 
I added some extra cinnamon to my cinnamon apple muffins. 
I added a box of pudding mix to a cake batter. 
And by the time I came to the oatmeal cookies I was feeling very adventurous.
Mmmm I thought, this batter is awfully dry.  So I added some milk. 
Then I thought, these cookies will taste better with some chocolate.  So I added a LOT of chocolate chips (like half a bag).  I really like chocolate if you can't tell.
And since I had the cinnamon on the counter from the cinnamon apple muffins, I put a sprinkle of that in too.

The results were not good.  In fact they were actually quite terrible.  They were so terrible I didn't take a picture of them, instead here is an artists' rendering of our expressions upon veiwing the cookies that never-should-have-been.

Chicken: . . . .
BoBo: I'm not sure they're entirely edible.

After staying up until 11pm baking you'd think I'd be done for the night- but no! 
I dropped soda and started drinking water again (trying to loose some weight for swimsuit season).

There are a few things you need to know about a big switch from soda (like Mountain Dew) to water:
1. You'll have to visit the water closet- FREQUENTLY.  We're talking every hour at least. 
2. Water is better for your health than soda.
And most importantly:
3. Water gives you much more energy than caffeine.

Monday night was the tail end of day 2 of my switch to water.
After 48 hours of hydration, I felt like I had more energy that 10 BoBo's plus 2. 
And right then, at nearly midnight, I really wanted to bake something else. 

I ransacked the cabinets in the pantry and found another cake mix, but alas I was out of milk!  Since I'm lactose intolerant I had to borrow the milk I used for my other baked goodies from my grandma. 

So what was I to do? 
What could I possibly make that didn't require milk?

It was then I made the most amazing discovery in the history of baking. . .jello.
I'm not talking about one single solitary box of jello. 
Oh, no. 
I'm talking about 7 boxes of wiggly goodness.

I started reading the instructions and was shocked to discover the only thing you needed to make jello was water. . .and a box of jello mix. 

Follow these instructions to create your own Amazing Moment In Cooking History:
Boil a cup of water.
Stir in jello mix until it dissolves. 
Pour in 1 cup of cold water.
Pour in a pan and put int he fridge.
A few refrigerated hours later . . . jiggly goodness. 

BoBo: Can you believe you only have to add water!
Chicken: Really?  You've never made jello before!?! 
        Five year olds know how to make jello.
BoBo: Mmmm. . .jiggly, wiggly, jello-y goodness isn't far from reach!

BoBo's Spring Break Day 2

My dog Rosie has done some pretty crazy things.  She honks like a goose for one.  She'll eat anything, and I do mean anything, for another.  But I'll never forget what she did the Tuesday morning of my spring break.  I took her out for her mid-day stroll and she ran into the woods behind my house.

A few minutes later she came out of the woods, tail-a-wagging, and dragging something along the ground.
Ugh I thought. 
Then I proceeded to think up all the terrible things she was dragging ceremoniously out of the woods. 
Dead animal (most likely a rabbit) was at the top of my list. 
Followed closely there-after by old boot and tree branch. 
But as Rosie got closer and closer I realized what she was dragging out of the woods.

It was a dead animal alright, but this one was cured and honey glazed.

It was a ham. 

A whole entire honey glazed ham. 

Spiral Sliced.

A lot of questions came to mind in rapid succession. 
A ham?
Where did this ham come from?
Who throws a whole ham in the woods?
Really, a ham?

The last question was frequently interrupting my thoughts as I attempted to take said-ham away from Rosie, who didn't want to relinquish her prize.

Eventually after getting her back inside, Rosie began begging for her miraculous random woods ham.

Rosie: Mom, can I have the ham? Puh-lease!

You'd think the story would be over now, but it only gets stranger. . .
I went out to retrieve said-ham and toss it in the trash so that it didn't attract any more critters, only to find that the ham had been eaten.  I'm talking the whole ham.  The only thing left was the bone with a tiny bit of ham left on it. 

This made me wonder,
did someone regret throwing their ham into the woods and then come by and have a snack?

The world may never know.

In overview, this week I've learned:
1. Ham grows in the woods.  Either that or there is a supermarket in there.
2. You only need water and a box of jello mix to make jello.
3. Doctoring up a box of cookie mix only ends in disaster.
Chicken: That's how the cookie crumbles.
4. You never know what life has in store for you.

From random woods ham,
to my first ever jello creation,
to getting healthy for the summer,
 this has been an extremely exciting week.
 I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in-store. . .cause it's only Tuesday.

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