Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bloggy The Snowman

So just when we thought spring was finally making an appearance; we ended up getting another four inches of snow.  As you can imagine, after Snowpocolypse,we were already pretty delirious; and these most recent few inches may have pushed us both from slightly eccentric into Crazy Town.

What kind of shenanigans can happen with a mere four inches of snow? 
Well, you're about to find out. 
It ended with a terrified Bo calling Nonie (our grandma) at 2:16 a.m.;
and it all started with a snowman.

In about an hour on Saturday, Chicken, Alysia, and our cousin Bug; managed to construct a human-sized snowman.

Well, it may not be really human-sized, but it is Chicken-sized; and it was complete with mud for hair, sycamore balls as buttons, a corncob nose, and a rocky smile!

As you can see the snowman is holding a tin cup.  The cup was full of cracked corn and the ground around him was sprinkled with it too; so that he could feed the birds.

Well the snowman was much admired by all; but as night fell and everyone went home he was left outside alone (for a little while at least).

Bo was awakened at 2 a.m. Sunday when her dog Rosie started running circles around the house barking all the while.  Bo just tried to ignore Rosie at first, but she wouldn't stop barking and became more and more frantic.  So Bo went into the dining room to see Rosie jumping at the front window and barking.  It was then she realized there was someone outside of the house.

So what would any reasonable adult do in a situation where they knew someone was outside of their house at 2 in the morning?  That's right!  She ran into the bedroom and called Nonie.  The phone conversation went like this:

Bo: Nonie?
Nonie:  Hey Bo, why are you up so early?
Bo: (stage whispering) Nonie.  Nonie, there's somebody outside my house.
Nonie: You've gotta speak up, I can't hear you.
Bo: Th-there's somebody outside of the house.  (Rosie barking in the background)
Nonie: There's nobody out there it's just the deer.
Bo: No there is definitely somebody out there.  Rosie keeps on barking, I think their on the porch.  Should I call the police?
Nonie: (laughing)  It's just the deer.  I've been watching them for a while.
Bo: Deer wouldn't want to break into my house. . . I'm pretty sure it's a burglar.
Nonie:  No, it's the deer.  Look out the window.

After crawling into the dining room (007 style) and peaking out the window Bo discovered it was in fact deer.  Bloggy the Snowman was feeding a doe and two baby fawns.

You may now be thinking, "Aww that's so cute a snowman feeding a deer family."  But the possum that was lured out of hiding Sunday afternoon to eat the corn that Chicken spilled all over Bo's driveway, completely eliminates the deer's cuteness factor.

As you may recall Max (Chicken's dog) has a problem with snowmen and so we give him the final word on the subject of snow.

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