Saturday, February 19, 2011

Much Ado About Blogging

We, the creators of this blog, do so solemnly swear; that these, the accounts of our lives' shenanigans are true. . .sadly.  Life is complicated and sometimes takes you in crazy directions.  The purpose of this blog is to keep our friends and family informed of our lives.

You may not know us yet, but after reading our blogs you may wish you still didn't.

Meet the Chicken:  My real name is Stephanie but my sisters and friends call me Chicken Little or just The Chicken.  I'm a single twenty-something-er-other that works at an animal shelter and a library.  I enjoy spending time with my dogs Max and Kenji.  I live with my parents and I enjoy a good Disney movie marathon.  I'm the butt of many-a-joke by my sisters "the twins". I also enjoy playing video games, uhhhhhhh . . . what do I do.  Oh yeah, I like taking pictures and other stuff.

To summarize, I may be short in stature but I'm tall with opinion and I'm not afraid to break-out my soap box when needed.

Meet Bo Bo: My real name is Amber, but you can call me Bo.  I'm a single 27 year old with no social life and way too much free time on my hands (because of the lack of said social life).  This free time allows me to become involved with a ridiculous amount of hobbies, which include and are not limited to: playing the piano, sewing, painting, canning vegetables, caring for chickens, playing Farmville, writing, gardening, reading, and much much more.  I can be extremely absent minded at times, I sing in my car constantly, and I have absolutely no sense of direction.

To summarize, I'm 27 years old, lactose intolerant, raise chickens, and I recently used a garden shovel to clear snow and ice from my driveway; what else could a guy ask for?

With our powers combined. . .we are Bo and Chicken!  Not Lame!

*Blog Disclaimer*
Remember you read it; you can't unread it.

1 comment:

  1. "You watched it you can't unwatch it!"
    Maybe I should ask the what if machine another question.
    "What would happen if Bo and Chicken started a blog"
    "You idiot! We already read that"
    "I know. I liked it. I wanted to read it again."
    "We're not reading it again! Ask something less stupid!"
