Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's Blog-tastic!

While Chicken and I were trying to come up with a name for our blog we spent a great deal of time laughing with our other sisters (the twins: aka Lishes & Ashley).  With the quick wit and creativity of the twins I was soon cackling like a chicken, which in turn caused Chicken to giggle, and soon the living room became a comedy club.  As time passed we became more and more creative with each title- no movie or TV show was safe from our integration of the word "blog".  (Give it a try it is blog-tastic). 

It was then, Ashley, one of the twins said, "you do realize you don't have to have the word "blog" in the title.  People know their reading a blog and using that word in the title is just a bit redundant." 

It was then we decided on the blog name- Not Lame: The Shenanigans of Bo & Chicken.  The reasoning behind this is that I am Bo and she is Chicken.  And together we do have plenty of shenanigans.  The "not lame" is because even though we can be geeky at times we're. . . Not Lame!  (Insert dramatic pose here.) 

Then a big question arose after the creation of our blog title: What would we do with the dozens of blog-tastic titles we came up with?

Well, not to worry!  We've decided that these will be the names for our blog entries.

Moral Of The Story: When life hands you lemons- write a blog.

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