Monday, November 19, 2012

Life: It's a Four Letter Word

Let me know how you like the new pictures- I'm using a new program to draw them.
Every day I try to think of something good that's happened- I call it my daily win.  If nothing good has happened so far, then I go out of my way to be overly nice to someone else; because if I've had a crappy day I don't want someone else to have one too.  

The moral of the story is. . .I try to be a positive person.  
Not one of those crazy annoying people who are all . . .

but more like the kind of person who is all. . .
The past year has, well, pretty much stunk to be bluntly honest.  
It seems like as soon as I start walking up the happiness hill, 
then life hits me in the head inflicting severe blunt force trauma and causing me to start barrel rolling down happiness hill into sadness swamp.

After a while you would think I would just start taking all of this 'life' in stride, but this is what actually happened.

Okay, so that may have been slightly exaggerated, but seriously.  Life has thrown a lot at me and my family over the past few years.  I'm VERY lucky to have spent two decades with a everything all happy-sunshine-unicorn-rainbows. . .

So when life decided to throw one curve ball after another at me, I honestly didn't know how to react. . .none of us did. 

As everyone gears up for the holidays this year, I am getting into fight mode.  I'm preparing for a war against sadness. . . sadness and fruitcake.
You see, I just have to be able to survive the holidays.  I use to have a house full of laughing rowdy relatives to look forward too, but now it's more like a couple of casual acquaintances.
So pardon me if I seem scrooge-like, but I'm honestly just trying to survive the holidays without having a mental break down.  

Then after January is over I can finally look forward to. . .
Seriously!?!?!?!  Arrgg! 
If it's not happy families gathering together it's a bunch of gooey love birds slobbering all over each other.

This is why I consider life one of the terrible four letter words.

Oh, well.  Live Long and Prosper!

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