Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cuddly Kittens!

Well, today was a VERY exciting day.  Since it was the first day of summer vacation I had big plans.  Like sleeping in until noon and being as lazy as possible. But I was surprised to find my foster cat Mercedes delivering her kittens!  

It took nearly all day, but she successfully delivered 5 gorgeous kittens!    

Mercedes has been a wonderful mom!  Despite all the hardships she's overcome, like having been hit by a car and having a wrongfully healed back leg. . .she's so happy, purry, and just downright amazing all the time.

Here is a video of her kittens the first afternoon after they were born:
And here is a video of the kittens 28 days old:
*Notice how the mostly gray one (that looks like her mama) is basically saying, "I wan't nothing to do with this."

It's going to be really hard to bring this cuties back after their foster time is up.  They all act like their mama- which is absolute purrfection!  

More updates to come!

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