Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bucket List April Update

2012 Bucket List Update

Here is Bo's 2012 Bucket List:
*Finish writing a story
- No, but I did start another one that should be finished soon.

*Paint/sketch a picture for mom, Nonie, & Chicken
- Because of recent events, I'm going to have to change the specifics in this one.  Work In Progress

*Order clothing online
- No, but I did order curtains and a Thunder Shirt for Rosie & Violet.

*Create & upload a YouTube video
-Success!  I just uploaded a video of my foster cat & her 1 day old kittens.  Check it out!

*Paint & start decorating my library
- I moved, but I have new rooms that I can decorate.

*Read 100 books
-I'll have to count.  I haven't read 100 yet, but I've at least read 30.

*Make my garden even better than last year
- Um.  I moved; so I'm just happy when I get the lawn moved every week.

*Keep up better with the housework
- I think I can cross this off- but Chicken thinks I still need improvement.

*Write more amazing profile stories for HSHC
- Done & still doing!

*Teach Rosie O' (my dog) a new trick
- Yes, she knows how to annoy Chicken in amazing new ways.

*Redo all the outside flower beds
- Currently working on.

*Learn 2 new songs on the piano
-I now know Hallelujah and Take Me Home Country Roads.

*Complete an entire Sudoku Puzzle
- I can't find my book.

*Learn a new card game
- I need to find my cards.

*Keep up with my blog
- I think I'm doing an okay job with this.

*Try drinking tea again
- I did and it's still disgusting.

*Learn how to knit
- Yeah, I'm still working on this.

Chicken's 2012 Bucket List
A.K.A Things I want to do before the world explodes
*Finish the blanket I've been working on for the past 2 years
- I have not touched it.  Well, that's not true.  I did look to see what I have left to do, but then I put it back in the closet.

*Complete a 2,000 piece puzzle
- I started working on it and I got about 1/2 way into it.  Then I went about 2 months without working on it.  I was cleaning up my room one day and I accidentally vacuumed up a few of the pieces; so, I just boxed it up and put it in the closet.  So now I'm back to square one and have to buy a new 2,000 piece puzzle.

*Pay all of my medical bill
- I had to made an emergency trip to the dentist that's going to cost around $1600. . . BUT I haven't received the bill yet so I'm officially caught up. . . for now anyways.  I'm still marking this off.

*Go away on a trip
-I'm planning a couple.  Bo & I even started a fund to collect money for it.

*Loose 10 pounds
- I haven't even weigh myself, but I doubt I've done this.  In fact, I probably put on a few; but you know the saying "you've gotta gain some to loose some."

*Go to the movies 4 times
-I have not gone once, but I'm going to see the Avengers next weekend.  You're more than welcome to come along.

*Travel to Ohio to visit Lishes & Broham
- No, but I'm planning too (end of May- early June)

*Blog more
- Work In Progress

*Get new glasses
*Try new foods (like authentic Mexican, sushi, etc)
-I've tried lobster, crab, and a new Chinese restaurant

*Meet new people
*Complete Assassin's Creed 4 before The End of Days
- It doesn't come out until October, but I've done a lot of research on it and I'm excited!

*Create my own version of Chopped
-No, have not done this yet.

*Have an even better garden than Bo
-Yeah, it's already planted!  Ah- yeah!  Bo's not even planted yet.  Plus I bought my first weed eater.

*Expand my garden
- No I just reconfigured it.

*Try some new recipes
-Only the food that's Bo's made.  Oh, I did make chocolate covered pretzels; thought I don't think they count.

*Make a movie
- No, but I really really want to.  I just have to motivate myself to do it.  I almost want to make like a musical.

Oh, I'd also like to add to mine- Convince my parents to get a pool.

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