Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Bloggle of Geese

An Ashes Tale

Bo: Spring has come geese have returned to cause to big trouble across the state.  Now don't get me wrong I love geese and pretty much all wildlife.
Ashes: I hate them.
Bo: You seriously don't feel that. . .
Ashes: I. Hate. Them. Period.
Bo: Ooookaayyy.
Ashes: Geese, how I hate thee.  Let me count the ways. . .

1. Car Attacks!
Why did the goose cross the road?  
Because he was going to attack a motionless car in the parking lot.

Not all of these goose attacks take place from the ground, some of them are aerial!

2. Poop- it's seriously everywhere!
Ewww!  Watch where you are walking people, because sidewalks are now goose litter boxes.

3. People Attacks!
These geese have no fear.  It's spring and they are full of 'Spring Fever' or as Bambi likes to put it. . . they are 'Twit-er-pat-ed'.  Meaning they are out of their *$&%*# mind.  Totally insane.  
 I will get you my pretty and your sack lunch too!

4. They sleep where ever they %&#@*! want! 
Including parking spaces, roofs and awnings, and pretty much anywhere else they @#$%^* feel like sleeping.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to leave to drop off the mail, go to an appointment, or pick up lunch only to return and find them sitting either right in my way or in my parking spot.  I started parking in a different spot, so they started sleeping in a different spot.

I swear these geese are out to get me.
Bo: Now I don't want you to think that my sisters and I are a bunch of she-gal-goose-haters.  In fact, here's a picture of when Chicken, Ashes, and I stopped to rescue an injured goose a few years ago.
It looks like Bo is giving that thing the touch of life.

Bo: The poor guy had gotten hit by a car and then left in the middle of the road.   I stopped and so did the car behind me.  Luckily, I was able to get him into a local licensed wildlife rehabilitation specialist.  She was able to get the poor guy back on his feet again.

hate 'em or love 'em it's spring and these guys are on their way back!

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