Saturday, November 5, 2011

Garden Wars: Fall of the Corn Stalks

It all started with a single seed. . .

. . . slowly that seed sprouted and started a war between two sisters- 
a Garden War!

You know garden season is officially over when the last corn stalk falls.  
As the final stalk fell Chicken and I began the big debate- who won.  

Yes, the question everyone has eagerly awaited the answer to- 
Who won Garden Wars?

We looked over the data: 
which mainly consisted of photos 
frozen vegetables
quarts of salsa
and arguments between Chicken and Bo 
But whose crops were the tops?

Then we looked at the photographic evidence.



Then more questions arose: 

Who picked the perfect peck of pristine jalapeno peppers?
Whose Tomatoes were totally tart and tasty?
Whose assortment of onions was the most outrageous?

So obviously with my quarts of fresh salsa and Chicken's perfect potatoes we arrived at a stalemate and went off to seek the opinion of The Master Gardener.  

That's right, we asked Nonie (our grandma).

What Nonie said:

About Bo's Gardening:

* You grew lots of vegetables and lots of weeds- 
   but the veggies definitely won!
*Terrific salsa this year!  
*Really tasty tomatoes and tons of them!
* Now that you discovered that you're severely allergic
   to the leaves of the zucchini plant- keep wearing gloves
   when you garden- it'll be safer that way.
*Start planting earlier next year.
About Chicken's Gardening:

*You really get into your work and you enjoy it.
* You really don't care if you get dirty.
*Great jalapeno crop!
* Leave the birds alone and wear safety glasses when
   your cutting up jalapenos so you don't get the juice  
   in your eyes. . . again.

How Nonie feels about. . .
Canned Vegetables vs. Frozen
*Canned veggies are better!  No doubt about it!  
*I'd like to see Chicken try canning some of her veggies next year.

So. . . Who won the Garden Wars?

Was it Bo with her connection with nature?

Or Chicken and her battle against nature?

Was the winner Chicken and her get 'n down and dirty approach?

Or Bo's 'cleanliness is the way of the gardener-ess' approach?

Before revealing the answer to the ultimate question, Nonie gave us three suggestions for next year:

1. Start early and plan even earlier.

2.  Space your plants equally apart.

3.  Make your gardens larger.

With that information having been shared Nonie informed us that we tied.

Chicken: Tied?  Tied?!?  You've got to be kidding me!  
I've literally lived in my garden for the past several months and you're telling me that I tied with Bo?  Bo who won't go near her garden without gloves on.

Bo: Hey, if you were allergic to everything you'd be wearing gloves too! Besides, I'm perfectly okay with this year's Garden War being a tie- it means that next year's win will mean even more.

Chicken:  What do you mean next year's win?  You mean this Garden War isn't over?

It was then our fate became sealed and Chicken realized that the gardening adventure wasn't over; in fact, it had just begun.  

Stay tuned for spring 2012 and Garden Wars: A New Hope.

The Battle Rages On!
Now it's game time. 
Two sisters. 
Two gardens. 
Two very different gardening styles. 
Who will win?

Who will be The Master Gardener?

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