Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fine Dining Without Class: Speedway Gas Station

Chicken: Are you serious?!?
Bo: Hey, you may have won the blog poll- but I get to pick the restaurant of MY choosing for the meal.
Chicken:  The gas station is NOT a restaurant.
Bo: Ashes' friend swears by their pizza.  Says it's the best you'll ever have.
Chicken: If I get salmonella or some other freaky gas station disease you're paying the doctor bill.
Bo: Deal!

Do you have tons of extra spending money?  
Do you have so much class,
that you raise your pinky when you drink a soda?  

If you answered no to both of those questions then you are ready to enjoy fine dining - without class.

The Speedway Gas Station

We visited the Speedway Gas Station on State Road 38 on a Saturday afternoon about 12:30, which is NOT a good time to go if you're trying to avoid the lunch-time rush.

Chicken: Or all the people trying to fill up their gas tanks.

there is lots of natural lighting because one entire side of the building is windows.

Speedway serves Coke & Pepsi products and features 4 different kinds of icees.

We ended up getting the nachos, Chex Mix Muddy Buddies, and two 32 oz. sodas.

The cheese was hot, and the chips were fresh.
Chicken added a bunch of jalapenos to her nachos- they were too spicy for Bo.

Plus the Chex Mix was A-MA-ZING!

Chicken:  Yeah, it was definitely the best part of the "meal."
Bo:  I'm putting your air quotation marks in the blog.
Chicken: Okay Bo,  I "believe" you.
Bo: I'm serious Chicken.  When you finally read this blog is going to be full of your air quotation marks.
Chicken: Whatever.  Pass the Muddy Buddies. "Please."

Since Bo had a coupon (and a Speedy Rewards Card) our lunch for two only cost $6.71 - talk about a great savings!

Bo:  I said the meal had to be under $20- but I was shocked it was so cheap.
Chicken: It was so cheap, I could taste it.

Overall Rating:
Chicken gives it 0 sporks out of 5 and 1 billion dirty napkins: because she couldn't believe Bo was actually making her eat at a gas station.

Bo gives it 4 sporks out of 5: for variety of food and friendly cashiers
1 dirty napkin because of the lack of artwork and the smell of gasoline.

Don't Forget: To follow our blog so you are always up-to-date on our latest shenanigans.  

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