Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fine Dining Without Class: Speedway Gas Station

Chicken: Are you serious?!?
Bo: Hey, you may have won the blog poll- but I get to pick the restaurant of MY choosing for the meal.
Chicken:  The gas station is NOT a restaurant.
Bo: Ashes' friend swears by their pizza.  Says it's the best you'll ever have.
Chicken: If I get salmonella or some other freaky gas station disease you're paying the doctor bill.
Bo: Deal!

Do you have tons of extra spending money?  
Do you have so much class,
that you raise your pinky when you drink a soda?  

If you answered no to both of those questions then you are ready to enjoy fine dining - without class.

The Speedway Gas Station

We visited the Speedway Gas Station on State Road 38 on a Saturday afternoon about 12:30, which is NOT a good time to go if you're trying to avoid the lunch-time rush.

Chicken: Or all the people trying to fill up their gas tanks.

there is lots of natural lighting because one entire side of the building is windows.

Speedway serves Coke & Pepsi products and features 4 different kinds of icees.

We ended up getting the nachos, Chex Mix Muddy Buddies, and two 32 oz. sodas.

The cheese was hot, and the chips were fresh.
Chicken added a bunch of jalapenos to her nachos- they were too spicy for Bo.

Plus the Chex Mix was A-MA-ZING!

Chicken:  Yeah, it was definitely the best part of the "meal."
Bo:  I'm putting your air quotation marks in the blog.
Chicken: Okay Bo,  I "believe" you.
Bo: I'm serious Chicken.  When you finally read this blog is going to be full of your air quotation marks.
Chicken: Whatever.  Pass the Muddy Buddies. "Please."

Since Bo had a coupon (and a Speedy Rewards Card) our lunch for two only cost $6.71 - talk about a great savings!

Bo:  I said the meal had to be under $20- but I was shocked it was so cheap.
Chicken: It was so cheap, I could taste it.

Overall Rating:
Chicken gives it 0 sporks out of 5 and 1 billion dirty napkins: because she couldn't believe Bo was actually making her eat at a gas station.

Bo gives it 4 sporks out of 5: for variety of food and friendly cashiers
1 dirty napkin because of the lack of artwork and the smell of gasoline.

Don't Forget: To follow our blog so you are always up-to-date on our latest shenanigans.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Anger Management

Calm blue ocean. . .
Calm blue ocean. . .
Calm blue ocean. . .

Everyone has been angry at some point in their life; but everyone handles their anger a little bit differently.

In our family a big way to get out your frustrations is cleaning.
Now I'm not talking about a little sweeping or dusting. . .I'm talking grab the bucket of suds and scrub from the ceiling down-maybe this ceiling could use a new coat of paint-rearrange the furniture seven or eight times-is that dust in the vent of the television-Endusting each individual picture frame-I'm not leaving this room until I find a bag full of stuff to throw away- cleaning.

Another way people handle anger in our family is cooking.  Nonie, our grandma, is famous for her cooking.
"Your Nonie's cooking is so good- it'll make your tongue slap your ears off!" - Papaw
Just the other day Bo & Nonie were talking about the disrespectful nature of their neighbors from behind the woods Nonie ended up baking a chocolate caramel cake, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and-

Bo: Let's just say I earned myself an extra half-hour on the treadmill. . .

Bo's Strategies:

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal
with the intent of throwing it at someone else,
you're the one who will get burned. " - Buddha

When I'm angry, which is VERY rarely, I resort to one of 3 avenues of releasing this anger.

1.  Reading An Entire Book Series
And I do mean the entire series.  I'm a major book worm and I currently have a small library to call my own.  So I pick out one of my larger series books (one with at least 7 books in it) and go to town.  I get so absorbed in the plot and characters that I let the anger slip away, page by page.

2.  Drawing & Painting
I find something that I find interesting (outside if the weather is nice) and paint or draw to my hearts content- it's very calming (or irritating if I can't get it to come out the way I want it too).

3. Bathing The Animals
Because by the time I'm done bathing the cats, dogs, and chickens I've completely forgotten why I was mad in the first place.

Chicken's Strategies:
"Anybody can become angry- that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way- that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." - Aristotle

Chicken:  Well, it's easy for me!

1. Playing Violent Video Games
Parents and everyone in the Psychology field will disagree with me but, if you're angry and you need to blow off some steam I find playing a game or two that allows me to take out my frustrations on villains really helps me deal with real life villains.

2. Cleaning
Take out your frustrations by scrubbing out a stain instead of punching somebody in the face. . . you'll burn the same amount of calories (without the fear of being arrested).

3. Baking
Take the time to read the recipe and measure everything out exactly- it forces you to slow things down and find your inner peace.

Anger is like a poison Ringwraith's sword to the chest- it takes for f*ing long to get to Riverdale for healing and it hurts really bad. 

So, you have to ask yourself-
Is it really worth putting on that ring?

The One Ring of Anger?

What's your anger management strategy? 
Is it taking a cat nap?
Share with us in the comments section!