Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Snow-pocalypse 2014

I'm an eternal optimist, and I think I do a pretty good job of planning ahead; but winter came in like a. . . like a. . . like snow leopard this year.
Chicken: Come on you gotta come up with something better than that.
Bo: What about a snowpocalypse?
Chicken: Much better!

Anyway, you have times when you get absolutely no warning what so ever about inclement weather.

Then you have times when they act like the end of the world is here and . . .

. . .it actually turns out to be just a dreary day.

But this year, we were warned about a week in advance for the worst snow and coldest temperatures that the state had seen in 20 years.

Now, I'm 30 years old and I remember most of that time; so when they start announcing things like that "coldest temp.s in 20 years" and all that, well, I got kind of nervous.

Let me start out by saying that I love the winter.
Yes, I'm trying to break up the ice with a hoe.

No, seriously; as long as it's not snowing, I love the winter.  I have asthma, that is brought on by severe allergies; so when the temperatures drop below 32 most of the things I'm allergic to are either dead or not just not blooming.
Chicken and I made a plan of attack.  We knew we'd be trapped indoors for at least 2 days, so Chicken made a list.  She is very much a List Person.

I on the other hand am more of a, well, not a List Person.

This has been the cause of many a quarrel, . . .

but not this time!  We knew we were going to be snowed in, and by golly- we were going to be the most prepared of everyone!

The bad weather was predicted to come in late Saturday evening, so we did all our shopping on Thursday and Friday.  We had plenty of food, soda, wood burning pellets, ice melt, and other assorted supplies.
Then it happened.  Chicken got a fever of 103 and the doctor diagnosed her with the flu.

And I hadn't got my flu shot this year.

So here are a few pictures of the beautiful snow we got to see in winter 2014.

Outside it was beautiful!  Inside the house is was kind of like a sick-ward.

Look at how beautiful the snow is!  
Trust me you do not want to see what happens when 2 adult, who are horrible sick people, 
both end up for the flu (the real FLU bug) for the first time and are stuck inside a house for 2 days.

I honestly think our family was thrilled they didn't get to be apart of this magical time either.

Awww, look at how cute the dogs are.  
They are so much better than trashcans full of tissues and a counter full of flu meds.

Yes, we try to block out the 2014 snow-pocalyse because despite the beauty outside,
it was pretty miserable inside.

But why are we talking about that, it's 2016 now- oh yeah!

Sorry it took so long to get this post up, but important things. . . like life. . . happened.  
It really didn't take us 2 years to dig ourselves out of the 2014 snow-pocaypse, but you're going to wish it did. . .

That's right!  
Bo & Chicken are back and more determined than ever to keep up this blog.
Will we be successful?
Probably not, but we are going to try anyway!

Chicken: I give it 3 months tops.
Bo: As an eternal optimist, I say we can keep this up for 3 months and 1 day.  Hang-on, why do I smell burning plastic?
Chicken: Dinner's done!
Bo: It's going to be a long 3 months. . .