Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bloggy New Year!

Bo: Ah, New Year's Eve, a day (or rather night) of celebration among friends, families, and strangers.  And this year is an even more important one; yes folks tomorrow it will be the infamous year 2012.  

One thing I started doing every year was to make a mini-bucket list.  
Typically a bucket list is all the things that a person wants to accomplish before they die (and I do have one of those).  But, two years ago, instead of making a New Year's Resolution, I decided to make a list of things I could actually accomplish in 1 year.  Some of them were things on my Lifetime Bucket List but not very many.  You see, I like to reserve my Lifetime Bucket List for things that I dream about having and/or doing but are mostly in the hands of God.  
Now, back to my yearly Bucket List; some of the things I list you'll probably think of as strange, but I'm a very quiet person who doesn't get out much 
Chicken: Yea, Bo.  That totally makes you sound not lame. 
Bo: As I was saying; you make think some of them as strange but for me they are pretty big/important things that I really want to do this year.
That being said, in no particular order, 
here is Bo's 2012 Bucket List:
*Finish writing a story
*Paint/sketch a picture for mom, Nonie, & Chicken
*Order clothing online
*Create & upload a YouTube video
*Paint & start decorating my library
*Read 100 books
*Make my garden even better than last year
*Keep up better with the housework
*Write more amazing profile stories for HSHC
*Teach Rosie O' (my dog) a new trick
*Redo all the outside flower beds
*Learn 2 new songs on the piano
*Complete an entire Sudoku Puzzle
*Learn a new card game
*Keep up with my blog
*Try drinking tea again
*Learn how to knit
Chicken's 2012 Bucket List
A.K.A Things I want to do before the world explodes
*Finish the blanket I've been working on for the past 2 years
*Complete a 2,000 piece puzzle
*Pay all of my medical bills
*Go away on a trip
*Loose 10 pounds
*Go to the movies 4 times
*Travel to Ohio to visit Lishes & Broham
*Blog more
*Get new glasses
*Try new foods (like authentic Mexican, sushi, etc)
*Meet new people
*Complete Assassin's Creed 4 before The End of Days
*Create my own version of Chopped
*Have an even better garden than Bo
*Expand my garden
*Try some new recipes
*Make a movie

What would be on your 2012 bucket list?  
Please share in the comments below.